Influenza A in Wild Hogs Spatiotemporal Distribution and Clustering

This project sought to explore the distributions and patterns of influenza A in feral swine populations. The massive and rapidly expanding population of wild hogs in the US cause significant damage to ecosystems and crops, but probably most concerning, create a massive resevoir for infectious disease which may infect humans. While human-pig contact is limited, the sheer numbers of infected swine beg the exploration of this data in hopes of understanding how infectious disease spread amongst wild animal populations.

Spatial/Attribute Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analyses were conducted to provide a background and direction for further research.

HotSpot Analysis by Year

Optimized Hot Spot tools were used to detect spatial clusters of similar and dissimilar values by year.

HotSpot Analysis by Season

Optimized Hot Spot tools were used to detect spatial clusters of similar and dissimilar values by season across all years.

SatScan Analysis

SatScan is a program that analyzes data spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal clusters based on a number of different statistical distributions, including the Poisson distribution used for this.