Haoyi PhD student in GIScience

Leaflet Map

Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobilefriendly interactive maps. Weighing just about 33 KB of JS, it has all the mapping features most developers ever need.

Slippy Map

The slippy map is an Ajax component. JavaScript runs in the browser, which dynamically requests maps from a server in the background (without reloading the whole HTML page) to give a smooth slippy zoomy map browsing experience.

Leaflet Draw

Add drawing tools for users to author shapes using the Leaflet Draw plugin.

Iowa Cancer

This homework try to investigate lung cancer death's relationship with healthcare cost, adulting smoking and demosgraphy

Iowa Climate

This homework try to investigate the spatial and temporal patterns of Iowa climate. Legends are automatically generated based on the CSS in the map.

Tweets Cluster Mapping

This homework try to maps Tweets cluster around California

NY Census

This homework did choropleth map on NY census data

Parallel Coordinate View of NY Census

This homework visualize and investigate the relationships between census variables in NY