Percent Children Screened With Elevated Blood Lead Level in Chicago 1999 - 2013 by Community Area

Using the Map

  1. The map will animate automatically to show children lead poisoning rate in Chicago by community areas from 1999 to 2013.
  2. At any point, you can hover over the year label (on the right side) to stop the animation. Moving your cursor horizontally over the year label will automatically update the year that is shown on the choropleth (move left to decrease the year, right to increase the year).
  3. Hover over a community area to see a tooltip providing the coummunity name and the chilren lead poisoning rate in that year.


  1. This map shows the lead poisoning situation in Chicago. As we see the overall situation becomes better, the areas with relatively high risk of lead poisoning stays the same. That reminds us no matter how glad we are to see the development of the whole society, we should never forget that disparity still exists.