Ian Dunshee GEOG:3540 Labs (University of Iowa Course)

Lab 2: Mapping Cancer Data

The purpose of this project is to understand the relationship between lung cancer deaths, health factors, and demographics.

Lab 3: Isarithmic Mapping

The purpose of this project is to use Isarithmic Mapping techniques to explore patterns and relationships in Iowa temperature and precipitation from 2012-2015.

Lab 4: Mapping Twitter

The purpose of this project is to explore how Leaflet mapping can be used to create a more interactive map for the user. Here Twitter data from the Antilles and the Caribbean are used to illustrate the simplicity of this process.

Lab 5: D3 Choropleth Mapping

The purpose of this project is to show how D3 can be used to make a simple choropleth map. This is illustrated by showing census data from the French Overseas Department of Martinique, specifically looking at population growth on the island over the past half-century. The data was sourced from Insee, a leading statistical firm in France (http://www.insee.fr/)

Lab 6: Coordinated Views for Analyzing Multivariate Relationships

This lab is an elaboration on the previous Lab 5. While a choropleth map of Martinique's change in population is still shown, this map is elaborated upon by adding a PCP element which allows the map to show all the data at once while making it dynamic and interactive. Thus the PCP element changes the previous choropleth map into a multivariate interactive experience which allows for an easier view of the aggregate data for the island all at once, which also in this case allows the user to see change over time.

Copyright © 2018 Ian Dunshee