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Visualization projects

GEOG: 3540 Introduction to Geographic Visualization

Choropleth Map

Population density of China in 2010 (/km^2)

A visuazlization of Chinese population density based on provinces

Graduated Symbol Map

Annual precipitation of China (mm/year)

Using graduated point symbols to represent Chinese precipitation records of observation stations

Proportional Symbol Map

Annual precipitation of China (mm/year)

Using proportional point symbols to represent Chinese precipitation records of observation stations

Bivariate Choropleth Map

Population density and GDP per capita of China in 2010 (/km^2 & /USD)

Bivariate Choropleth Map to represent population density and GDP per capita in each province

Isarithmic Map

Yearly total precipitation of Iowa (m/year)

Isarithmic map to represent precipitation in Iowa

Chinese Population Atlas

Population Density, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Natural Growth Rate

Collection of maps to show characteristics of Chinese population distribution

Final Project

Interactive map design platform

Put your data and get the map as you want on web!

To be Continued