Geovisualization Portfolio University of Iowa

South America, Flow Map

This map displays the spatial patterns of the flow of Bananas within South America. The map displays imports and exports through flow and direction.

Idaho, Bivariate

This map displays the dependency ratios of youth and elderly in correlation to each other. The map is of the State of Idaho within the United States.

LNU Lightning Complex Report

This report covers the spectral and spatial aspects of the LNU Lightning Complex that took place in California in 2020. The report utilizes remote sensing as a key methodolgy tool.

Washington, Median Age

This map displays the median age by county within the State of Washington, United States.

Continental US, Graduated Symbol

This map displays the count of individuals to never marry within each state. This map only includes the Continental United States.

Population Demographics, Germany (inprogress)

This Notebook includes a report on population demographics and the visualization of this information. This notebook was a final project from Geographic Visualization GEOG:3540