Geovisualization Portfolio GEOG 3540

Choropleth Map

This map looks at the percent of white people by county in Colorado

Graduated Symbol Map

This point symbol map shows the amount of traffic fatailies by state in the year 2020, data from USDT.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

This map looks at the relationship between the percent white and income per capita of counties in Colorado, data from census 2018

Flow Map

This is a flow map created to look at the migration throughout the county of Peru.

Small Multiples

Used small multiple choropleth maps to find similarities and differences in housing demographics throughout counties in Colorado.

Final Project

Observable notebook for final project. In this project we looked at the relationship between hazard event property loss and social vulnerability using a variety of visualization methods.

Isarithmic Map

Observable notebook of an isarithmic map looking at precipitation throughout Iowa in 2018. This is not my map but used to provide an example of an isarithmic map